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Embracing Back-to-School Traditions

As summer winds down and the excitement of a new school year builds, many families find comfort and joy in back-to-school traditions. These rituals help children transition from summer fun to academic focus and create lasting memories that will be cherished for years. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time school parent, find a tradition that fits how your family likes to celebrate special occasions.

During my single-parenting years, I found that a special one-on-one dinner out just before the beginning of the new school year was always memorable, productive, and enlightening. Each child felt special because they got to choose their favorite restaurant and have my undivided attention for as long as they wanted. We'd talk about goals, worries, expectations, or unexpected topics—wherever our conversation flowed.

One year, my son Rich confessed that he was terrified about his first day at middle school. After much questioning and prodding, we finally hit on the fact that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to open the paddle lock on his locker. After dinner, a quick stop at the store to buy a paddle lock, a short lesson on how to work the combination, and the excitement of a new school year took the place of fear.

Sometimes it’s the bus, the wardrobe, the backpack, new friends, old bullies, you never know. But, somehow, junk food and soda can float a kid’s feelings right up to the surface.

Find a tradition that’s perfect for you and your children. Someday, you'll look back and see how those traditions strengthened your family bonds and built lifetime memories.

Go celebrate!

Ms. Sharon

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